Mannered Mutts Dog Training 

“Every Dog’s A Good Dog”

Meet Becky The Owner & Trainer @Mannered Mutts DOG TRAINING WIRRAL

Becky Mannered Mutts Dog Training Wirral

Everybody wants the easy dog right? But sometimes you dont always get what you wish for. My journey started when I got my first dog a Border Collie, Ash. Little did I know, how little I knew, about the complexity of dogs. Until I got Ash, who started to show signs of reactivity through fear and anxiety.

This led me down the path of educating myself through working with other dog trainers and the most important teachers themselves, dogs! I started off pack walking, eventually taking on more complex dogs that no one else would walk. As I became more experienced in dog handling and recognising behaviours, this is when I decided to share my knowledge with other owners with the more complex dogs. 

Ash is the reason I help other owners and their dogs become the best companions they can be through love,trust and respect.

Above you can see a picture of myself with my two dogs Ash & Bella.

My Services

In Home 1-1 sESSION

Everything starts within your home. This is where I come to assess your dogs behaviours and your relationship, to help you start with the basic training needs, all within the comfort of your own home.

£60 (plus ££ for petrol if out of my area)


Follow Up Sessions

Like everything in life, we need a refresher now and then just to keep us on the right track. It’s important to maintain your relationship with your dog, so we go over any areas of concern.


£50 (plus ££ for petrol if out of my area)



Weekly client walks. Helping you build on confidence when handling your dog and focus on building on your relationship, engagement and obedience in different environments.

£12 /per walk


Pack Walks

Your dog comes on weekly pack walks on an enclosed field with their furry friends. With the knowledge of dog behaviours, my walks are not a “free for all” all walks are monitored by myself to ensure your dogs are socialising in the right way. 

£15 /walk
/walk (2 dogs from same household)

puppy Foundation Course

This involves 4 1-1s @£40 each. Becky will go through the foundations & fundamentals to ensure you get off to the best start with your puppy. Covering engagement, lead control, luring & marker training, working on impulse, crate/place and start of recall.

£160 for 4 1-1s

 Structured 1-1 training Walk

Struggle to find someone to walk your reactive dog? I provide this service just for them, I will take your dog out and focus on different aspects of training in different environments (Please note these walks are only for clients who have at least had a 1-1 consultation) 





£25 / walk

 TRAINING Packages

SAVE Money , Sign Up to  3-4 Sessions

Like humans every dog is different, each training package is tailored to you and your dogs needs. Training Packages can cover different aspects of training depending on what you area of training your struggling with -from loose leash, crate training, recall, foundation and reactivity.

Looking for a dog trainer on the Wirral? Have a look at some of the packages I offer below. Please note that there must be an initial 1-1 consultation before you can sign up to any of the packages.

Dog training Wirral - Mannered Mutts Dog training Wirral
Dog training Wirral - Mannered Mutts Dog training Wirral
Dog training Wirral - Mannered Mutts Dog training Wirral
Dog training Wirral - Mannered Mutts Dog training Wirral
Dog training Wirral - Mannered Mutts Dog training Wirral

Client Reviews

“Becky has helped us so much with our puppy Hamish. Whilst he was quick to master the basics,as a young puppy he would get impatient with me and start biting at his lead, jumping up and being pushy. Becky explained that he was over aroused and looked at our routine to address the issue. Her advice has been invaluable and I am now able to manage this behaviour so much better with it happening much less often. Hamish now goes on pack walks with Becky to learn how to be more neutral around other dogs and he’s come on loads in such a short space of time. I love hearing how hes got on each week and Becky is always on hand to ask for any advice”

Amy Lee – Hamish

I have been working with Becky for a few months now as my bouncy boxer is quite the challenge. Becky is brilliant and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to promote calmness, engagement and improve their overall relationship with their dog. Becky is very knowledgable and does a fantastic job of explaining exercises and giving you the tools you need to help train your dog. What I like most about Becky is that she genuinely cares about each of her clients and their dogs and is always there to offer support whenever you need it

Katie Mitchell – Smudge


Becky is amazing!!!!!!!! We were having a really difficult time with our 2 year old dog until we met Becky. She was clear and confident with all instructions and handling our dog. She gave us skills to ensure we would be successful with our dog training. I cant thank her enough for the difference she has made to our lives

Michelle Booth – Cheif

Becky is brilliant! We’ve seen her for several one to one sessions as well as a group course over the last four months. Our puppy was 5 months old when we started and we’re building a fabulous bond with him applying the techniques she’s taught us about feeding, crate training, walks, respecting people and other dogs, and managing his enthusiasm! His training is a work in progress with every day bringing new opportunities for him to show off what he knows and for us to keep building our relationship with him. Have no doubt the “people training” comes before the puppy training and Becky makes sure you have the skills and confidence to work with your dog. She clearly explains the “why” as well as the “how”, and is professional, friendly, encouraging, and endlessly patient.

Ros – Dylan

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